Yuenian Zhou's (周越年) Homepage


About me

I am a Ph.D. student and an associated member of SFB 1085 ''higher invariants'' at Universität Regensburg (Germany) starting from May this year supervised by Prof. Moritz Kerz

Previously, I completed my master's studies at the Université Paris-Saclay (Paris Sud) AAG (Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry). Before that, I obtained my bachelor's degree in mathematics at Zhejiang University in China.

My study interests are  algebraic geometry and number theory (with a flavor of geometry), particularly topics related to l-adic sheaves, local systems and degeneration of Hodge theory.

Currently, I am trying to understand local systems and monodromy, particularly the companion of the local system over local field.


Email: yuenian.zhou}at{mathematik.uni-regensburg.de

Office: M 219